Journal Publications
Quotient-saturated groups (with M, Roy and E. Ventura) Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra (to appear).
Free-abelian by free groups: homomorphisms and algorithmic explorations (with A. Carvalho) Kyoto Journal of Mathematics (to appear).
Orbit problems for free-abelian times free groups and related families (with A. Carvalho) Journal of Algebra and its aplications (published online, 2024).
Decidability of the Brinkmann Problems for endomorphisms of the free group (with A. Carvalho) Archiv der Mathematik 123.3 (Sept. 2024), pp. 233–24.
Intersection configurations in free and free times free-abelian groups (with M. Roy and E. Ventura) Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A Volume 154 , Issue 5 , October 2024 , pp. 1552 - 1582.
Relative order and spectrum in free and related groups (with E. Ventura and A. Zakharov). Communications in Contemporary Mathematics Vol. 26, No. 01, 2250066 (2024).
Autòmats d’Stallings, un camí d’anada i tornada (with E. Ventura). Butlletí de la Societat Catalana de Matemàtiques, Vol. 37, núm. 1, 2022. Pàg. 5–59.
A list of applications of Stallings automata (with E. Ventura). Transactions on Combinatorics, Volume 11, Issue 3 (2022), pp. 181-235.
Stallings automata for free-times-abelian groups: intersections and index (with E. Ventura). Publicacions Matemàtiques, Volume 66, Isuue 2 (2022), pp. 789-830.
On the lattice of subgroups of a free group: complements and rank (with P.V. Silva). Journal of Groups, Complexity, Cryptology, Vol. 12, Issue 1 (February 2020), No. 01, pp. 1129-1162.
Intersection problem for Droms RAAGs (with E. Ventura and A. Zakharov). International Journal of Algebra and Computation Vol. 28 (September 2018), No. 07, pp. 1129-1162.
Algorithmic recognition of infinite cyclic extensions (with B. Cavallo, D. Kahrobaei, and E. Ventura). Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 221, Issue 9 (September 2017), pp. 2157–2179.
Some characterizations of Howson PC-groups. Reports@SCM 1 (Oct. 2014), pp. 33-38.
Whitehead problems for words in ℤᵐ × 𝔽ₙ. Extended Abstracts Fall 2012 (Automorphisms of Free Groups). Ed. by J. Gonzlez-Meneses, M. Lustig, and E. Ventura. Trends in Mathematics. Springer International Publishing, Jan. 2014, pp. 35–38.
Algorithmic problems for free-abelian times free groups (with E. Ventura). Journal of Algebra 391 (Oct. 2013), pp. 256–283.
Preprints and work in progress
Stallings automata for free extensions (with E. Ventura).
Yet more algorithmic problems for Droms groups (with E. Ventura and A. Zakharov).
KWM products and the intersection problem (with M. Linton, J. López de Gámiz, M. Roy and P. Weil).
On computable types within free groups (with E. Ventura).
Subgroups of Droms RAAGs (with E. Ventura),
Books, theses, and other documents
Stallings’ automata (chapter) Languages and Automata. GAGTA BOOK 3. ISBN-10: 3110996421, Sep. 2024.
Extensions of Free Groups: algebraic, geometric, and algorithmic aspects (Ph.D. thesis). Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2017.
Problemes algorísmics en grups lliures per lliure-abelià (M.Sc. thesis). Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2012).